Global Youth EngagementUN Youth Official Unveils Plans for Young People

UN Youth Official Unveils Plans for Young People


The United Nations is reaffirming its commitment to youth, recognizing their imagination, ideals, and energy as essential to societal development. During a press conference, the new UN youth official unveiled comprehensive plans aimed at empowering young people. This initiative is set against a backdrop of an expanding global youth population, which is projected to reach 1.3 billion by 2030.

In light of the current statistics showing that individuals aged 15 to 24 represent 16 percent of the global population, the UN places a higher emphasis on youth empowerment. Efforts include ensuring equitable opportunities in education, health, and employment, along with promoting gender equality. This aligns with the principles of the World Programme of Action for Youth, which aims to address the multifaceted challenges facing today’s youth.

Over the years, milestones such as the International Youth Year and International Youth Day have underscored the UN’s dedication to integrating youth into the fabric of global development and peace-building activities. These initiatives are part of the broader UN youth empowerment agenda, which includes numerous programs and policies specifically designed to support young people.

Key Takeaways

  • The UN highlights the critical role of young people in societal development.
  • Current youth population is projected to reach 1.3 billion by 2030.
  • UN’s youth agenda includes equitable opportunities in education, health, and employment.
  • Initiatives are designed to empower youth and focus on gender equality.
  • International Youth Day signifies the UN’s commitment to youth involvement in global peace.

The New Top Youth Official at the UN

Oscar Armando Lopez III has been appointed as the new top youth official at the UN, a significant step toward enhancing youth engagement on the global stage. As a dynamic researcher, writer, and artist, Oscar brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to UN youth leadership. His background is rooted in climate action, human rights, and digital rights, areas that resonate deeply with the challenges faced by today’s youth.

Background and Credentials

Oscar Armando Lopez III holds a dual degree from the University of Texas at Austin and has a robust portfolio that includes notable contributions to the Born This Way Foundation. He has tackled food scarcity in Laredo, Texas, and advocated for broadband access as a Google Public Policy Fellow. His comprehensive academic and professional background aligns with the values and goals of the UN youth leadership initiatives.

Initiative Impact
Born This Way Foundation Promoted mental health and wellbeing among youth
Google Public Policy Fellow Advocated for digital rights and broadband access
Laredo, Texas Food Scarcity Initiative Addressed and mitigated food scarcity issues

Vision for Youth Empowerment

Oscar’s vision for youth empowerment is comprehensive, focusing on creating meaningful opportunities for youth in sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights. He believes in the transformative power of education, environmental advocacy, and digital inclusion. Oscar aims to build on existing UN frameworks, such as UN Security Council Resolution 2250, which acknowledges the positive role of young people in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities.

His plan includes initiatives like the Youth4Disarmament program, which engages millions of young people worldwide in discussions on disarmament and international security challenges. By leveraging his experience and the support of the UN, Oscar is committed to elevating the voices of youth ambassadors globally, ensuring their participation in decision-making processes.

The importance of youth leadership at the UN cannot be overstated. With 1.9 billion young people today, their perspectives are crucial in shaping the future. Under Oscar’s leadership, the UN aims to further integrate these young voices into its core missions and strategies.

UN Youth Empowerment Initiatives

UN youth programs have been instrumental in empowering young people globally, providing essential resources and knowledge to foster development. These youth empowerment initiatives address vital sectors such as education, employment, and climate action, ensuring comprehensive growth and progress.

Current Programs and Projects

The UN has launched several impactful programs targeting youth. The focus on achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 emphasizes inclusive and equitable education. SDG 8 tackles the challenges of youth employment by promoting sustained, inclusive economic growth. The global youth unemployment rate was 13% in 2017, spotlighting the urgency of these efforts. Moreover, SDG 13 engages youth in combating climate change, recognizing their critical role in environmental sustainability.

SDG Focus Area Description
SDG 4 Quality Education Emphasizes inclusive and equitable education
SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Addresses youth employment challenges
SDG 13 Climate Action Involves youth in climate change mitigation efforts

Success Stories and Impact

Youth success stories highlight the significant impact of these programs. In Zambia, the campaign to end child marriage resulted in a reduction of prevalence from 42% to 31.2%. In Egypt, President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi’s economic reforms have empowered the youth majority. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan stressed the prevention of violent extremism by empowering young people, noting that most crimes linked to extremist activities are committed by those under 30.

The active role of youth in these initiatives is crucial. President Raimonds Vējonis of Latvia and Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands emphasized the necessity of working with youth organizations to achieve the SDGs. Moreover, Namibia’s President Hage Geingob highlighted his country’s commitment to empowering youth as leaders of today and tomorrow.

Youth Engagement at the UN: A Historical Perspective

Youth engagement at the UN has a storied past, reflecting the evolving role of young people within global affairs. Over the last several decades, the importance of historical youth representation has gained recognition, leading to significant milestones and policy shifts.

Milestones in Youth Representation

Several milestones have marked the history of youth engagement at the UN. Notable among these is the adoption of the Declaration on the Promotion among Youth in 1965, which laid the groundwork for subsequent initiatives. Another critical milestone was the International Youth Year in 1985, emphasizing the pivotal role of young people in society. The endorsement of the World Programme of Action for Youth further solidified UN’s commitment to harnessing the potential of youth contributions to development.

  • 1965: Adoption of the Declaration on the Promotion among Youth
  • 1985: International Youth Year
  • Action for the Youth: World Programme of Action for Youth

Key Programs and Policies

UN youth policies have evolved significantly, driven by the need to adapt to changing global dynamics and the increased recognition of youth agency. One of the transformative shifts is the Security Council’s resolution 2250, encouraging youth participation in peacebuilding efforts. This landmark resolution underscored the role of young people as critical agents of change.

The advent of technology over the past 15 years has transformed how young people express themselves, organize, and mobilize. This digital revolution saw the development of the youth engagement toolkit by the UNESCO Youth Programme in 2017. It has since been adapted and used to train over 350 UNESCO staff members, promoting meaningful youth engagement practices across the UN.

Year Initiative Impact
2015 Security Council Resolution 2250 Youth participation in peacebuilding
2017 Youth Engagement Toolkit by UNESCO Training for over 350 UNESCO staff
2020 UN Youth Strategy – Youth 2020 Broader adaptation for all UN staff

Furthermore, the UN Youth Strategy – Youth 2020 was a pivotal initiative that prompted the adaptation of the youth engagement toolkit for broader use across various UN staff members. This multi-stakeholder approach acknowledges youth as valuable actors, knowledge holders, and innovators in global policy-making.

These historical youth representation milestones and UN youth policies collectively form the foundation of current efforts to amplify youth engagement at the UN. They act as a guide for future strategies aimed at increasing youth representation and advocacy within global spheres.

New Opportunities for Youth Involvement

As the global landscape continues to evolve, the United Nations is unveiling groundbreaking youth involvement opportunities aimed at fostering meaningful engagement among young individuals. The emphasis on integrating youth voices in decision-making aligns with the overarching goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ensuring that upcoming youth programs effectively address the needs and aspirations of younger generations.

Upcoming Programs and Activities

The UN is committed to facilitating a plethora of upcoming youth programs that span various sectors, including education, employment, climate action, and digital inclusion. For instance, the Youth4Disarmament Initiative, established by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in 2019, is a prime example of how the UN involves young people in critical global issues. In 2023, following the request from the United Nations General Assembly, specific measures were put in place to enhance youth participation in disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.

The recent U.N. Summit of the Future and the “Pact for the Future” emphasized the commitment of governments worldwide to implement youth engagement mechanisms at the national level. This shift in prioritization underscores the importance of adopting common principles for meaningful youth participation, reflecting a significant development compared to the institutional perspectives of the past 10 to 15 years.

How to Get Involved

Young individuals eager to know how to get involved with UN youth initiatives have various avenues at their disposal. Participation in local projects, international platforms, and youth advocacy groups working alongside the UN present multiple youth involvement opportunities. By engaging in these activities, young people can contribute to pressing global issues and ensure their voices are heard.

Dr. Felipe Paullier, the UN’s first assistant secretary-general for youth affairs, has been a pivotal figure in advocating for these changes. At just 33, he highlights the realistic and attainable goals of integrating youth in decision-making processes. He further emphasizes the necessity for institutions to adapt to current technological advancements that empower young individuals and transform accountability systems.

Ultimately, these efforts aim to shift the narrative from viewing young people solely as beneficiaries of policies to recognizing them as essential partners in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future.

Program Focus Area Year Established
Youth4Disarmament Initiative Disarmament and Non-proliferation 2019
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Global Sustainable Development Goals 2015
Pact for the Future Future Youth Engagement Mechanisms 2023

The New Top Youth Official at the UN Talks About What’s in It for Young People

As the new top youth official at the UN, Oscar Armando Lopez III offers an invigorating perspective on the benefits young individuals obtain from engaging with the United Nations. He highlights the pivotal role that youth play as dynamic agents of change, and underscores how being part of the UN’s initiatives allows young people to amplify their voices on a global platform.

Oscar stresses the significance of youth representation at the United Nations, stating that such involvement not only fosters individual growth and empowerment but is fundamental in crafting sustainable and inclusive policies. With themes like “Informal Youth Summit of the Future” at the IYC10, scheduled for September 26th to 29th, 2024, the UN is actively working to bridge the gap between youth and global decision-making bodies.

Key aspects of such conferences, particularly aimed at youths from the Global South who face hurdles accessing the UN, include skill development, policy engagement, and grassroots connections. The emphasis is on ensuring genuine and inclusive youth participation at the UN, advocating for diverse representation from various backgrounds and regions.

The UN Youth Ambassador initiatives, particularly those organized by entities like Future We Want Model United Nations (FWWMUN), are notable for their efforts in empowering youth. Programs such as FWWMUN Washington D.C. 2024 and FWWMUN Abu Dhabi 2025 are designed to engage students worldwide, fostering long-standing friendships and enhancing academic understanding of international issues.

Echoing these sentiments, H.E. Jayathma Wickramanayake, the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, emphasized increasing the number of youth with skills for employment and entrepreneurship, aligning with the 2030 Agenda. The efforts by Oscar and the UN demonstrate a clear commitment to involving today’s youth in addressing global challenges, reaffirming the belief that they are indeed the leaders of tomorrow.

Strategic Partnerships and International Collaborations

Strategic partnerships and international youth collaborations are the cornerstone of progressive youth empowerment. By leveraging these alliances, the global community can address challenges such as accessing quality education, healthcare, and decent work for young people.

EU’s Contribution and Support

The European Union (EU) has consistently demonstrated its commitment to youth engagement through substantial contributions to the UN Youth Office. This collaboration is a testament to the shared vision between the EU and the United Nations in empowering young voices. The EU youth support manifests in various platforms, such as the Youth Sounding Board for International Partnerships. These initiatives facilitate young people’s participation in policy design and strategy formulation for a more resilient and sustainable future.

Global Youth Collaborations

Global youth collaborations have shown significant impact in fostering youth inclusion in major discussions. For instance, events like the Asia-Pacific Climate Week saw youth delegates at the forefront of panel discussions and intergenerational dialogues. Participants from international and UAE delegations actively engaged in critical conversations at the SB58 Bonn Climate Conference. Both the United Nations and the European Union aim to create spaces where youths can influence global policies, thereby reinforcing their role in sustainable development.

Event Participation Outcomes
Asia-Pacific Climate Week Youth Delegates Panel Discussions, Intergenerational Dialogues
SB58 Bonn Climate Conference International and UAE Delegates Critical Conversations on Climate Issues
Youth4Climate Five International Youth Climate Delegates Global Innovation Challenge Winners, Funding for Projects
Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week Youth Attendees Discussions on Oceans, Adaptation, Indigenous Matters


In summarizing the UN’s ongoing dedication to empowering young minds globally, it’s clear that youth are already making a significant impact on the international landscape. The comprehensive initiatives and partnerships highlighted throughout this article demonstrate the UN’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where young people can thrive. Initiatives like the proposed $50 billion vaccination plan and goals for net zero carbon emissions by 2050 are just some examples of the extensive measures in place to support a sustainable future.

With emerging leaders such as Oscar Armando Lopez III at the forefront, the potential for youth to drive meaningful change has never been more evident. The establishment of programs like the Transforming Education Summit and the Global Social Summit reflect a proactive approach to address critical challenges and expand opportunities for the world’s 1.8 billion young people. Strategic collaborations, such as those with the EU, further solidify a unified approach toward empowering youth for a sustainable future.

As we look forward, the role of young people within the UN and worldwide will undoubtedly grow more significant. Their involvement in shaping policies on peace, development, and human rights is crucial. The UN’s vision of achieving gender parity by 2028 and its emphasis on youth engagement as a fundamental right indicate a forward-thinking approach. It is not just about providing a platform but ensuring that young voices are integral in decision-making processes that sculpt our global future. The UN youth leadership conclusion is a testament to the organization’s unwavering belief that empowering youth is essential for a sustainable and inclusive future.

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