Anime“Gundam: The Origin” Compilation Films Launched to Celebrate the...

“Gundam: The Origin” Compilation Films Launched to Celebrate the Iconic Series’ 45th Anniversary


Introduction to Gundam: The Origin Compilation Films

The highly anticipated compilation films for Gundam: The Origin launched on September 13, 2024. This move commemorates the 45th anniversary of the iconic Mobile Suit Gundam anime series. Gundam: The Origin has been restructured into a trilogy to provide a fresh look at the beloved story while honoring its rich history.

Structure and Content

The original six-episode Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin anime has been meticulously re-edited into three cinematic experiences. The titles of these films—Char and Sayla Arc, Kaisen-hen (The Outbreak of War Arc), and Loum Arc—reflect major story segments. Notably, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, who also directed the anime, personally oversaw the editing process to ensure the films captured the essence of the original episodes.

Focusing on the early years of Char Aznable, one of the franchise’s pivotal characters, the films delve deep into his childhood and the events shaping his adult life. The narrative is derived from Yasuhiko’s manga, itself inspired by the first Mobile Suit Gundam anime that debuted in 1979.

Screening and Availability

The first of the compilation films began its screening at the Shinjuku Piccadilly in Tokyo. The subsequent screenings will take place at Shimane Cinema Onozawa starting on September 22, before expanding to 18 theaters across Japan on October 25. These staggered releases provide multiple opportunities for fans to experience the films in a cinema setting.

For those less familiar with the background, the original Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin anime premiered between 2015 and 2018 in Japanese theaters. In April 2019, it was also aired as a 13-episode television series. These compilation films serve as both a recapitulation and a celebration of the series and its journey.

Celebrating the Legacy

The release of these films is more than just a trip down memory lane. They highlight the depth and intrigue of a series that has captivated audiences for decades. By breathing new life into these episodes through cinematic release, the films also attract a new generation of viewers while satisfying long-time fans.

These efforts are part of the grand celebrations marking the 45th anniversary of the franchise. The painstaking work put into re-editing and presenting these films signals a dedication to preserving and enhancing the legacy of Mobile Suit Gundam.


The Gundam: The Origin compilation films are a testament to the enduring legacy of the Gundam series. The carefully crafted adaptations and screenings celebrate a piece of anime history that continues to inspire and entertain.

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