
Giving Cruise Missiles to Ukraine Won’t Change the Battlefield Equation

Russia and the West are quickly running out of maneuvering room to avoid a head-on military collision. In the wake of reports that the United States and United Kingdom are...

Heller Skelter

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people...

Tracing the Anti-Haitian Hate Targeting Springfield

Out of all the outlandish claims at the presidential debate between former president Donald Trump and Vice President...

The Gaza War Is an Environmental Catastrophe

“Ever-worsening shortages of water and electricity. Catastrophic flooding in dense urban areas. Food insecurity exacerbated by drastic temperature...

Neoliberals Are Wrong About Bidenomics

It is by now a familiar story. With the status quo in tatters following the worst financial crisis...

The Great White Hope

Like a lot of people, I breathed a sigh of relief when Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Heading...

The Tragedy of Chris Hayes

The following story is co-published with Freddie deBoer’s Substack. This recent episode of Chris Hayes’s podcast Why Is This Happening?, which I recommend in general, offers a...

Does Jesus Hate the Johnson Amendment?

A group representing right-wing preachers is trying to bring about a merger of church and state with a new lawsuit. This is incredibly dangerous....