
‘I don’t do a monthly shop any more’: life with unpredictable working hours

“Obviously I never know what I’m going to be paid each week,” says Jessica Burns, a mother of three young children from Salford.Burns, who is 30, enjoys her job...

Winter fuel: 780,000 UK pensioners entitled to payment will lose it

About 780,000 pensioners who need the winter fuel payment will lose out on it when Labour begins means-testing...

We did not do impact assessment of winter fuel payment cut, No 10 admits

Ministers did not carry out a specific impact assessment on the withdrawal of the winter fuel payment from...

Sunak ‘should apologise for £22bn black hole’, says Starmer during PMQs – video

Keir Starmer said Rishi Sunak should apologise for the '£22bn black hole' in government finances, after Sunak asked...

MPs back cuts to winter fuel payments in Commons vote

MPs have voted to remove the winter fuel allowance from all but the poorest pensioners, with a significant...

UK government has ‘no choice’ but to cut winter fuel payment, says minister

The UK business secretary, Jonathan Reynolds, has said the government has “no choice” over cutting the winter fuel allowance, and urged Labour MPs to...

Ministers facing pressure from unions over winter fuel payment cut

The government is facing renewed pressure from unions to change course over its decision to strip the winter fuel allowance from the bulk of...

There’s no need to cut poorer pensioners’ income. Smarter winter fuel solutions are at hand | Steve Webb

The new government’s honeymoon period with the voters ended at 3.33pm on Monday 29 July. This was when the chancellor stood up to announce...

Labour ministers reveal grave concerns about winter fuel payment cut

Cabinet ministers have grave concerns about Rachel Reeves’s plan to axe the winter fuel allowance for all but the poorest pensioners, the Guardian can...

UK state pension to rise by more than £400 a year, say reports

The full UK state pension is expected to rise by more than £400 a year as a result of April’s triple lock, according to...

The Guardian view on poverty in Britain: desperation in plain sight | Editorial

One of the greatest achievements of the Labour governments in office from 1997 to 2010 was to significantly reduce levels of poverty in Britain....