Courts & Law

WSJ Wants Judiciary Shielded From Scrutiny

A New York Times investigation (9/15/24) has given us great insight into Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who—unlike the president and the speaker of the House—enjoys a great deal of...

Heller Skelter

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people...

How Abortion Bans Kill By Delaying Emergency Medical Care

This story was originally published by ProPublica. In her final hours, Amber Nicole Thurman suffered from a grave infection...

America’s Thousand Percent Prescription Drug Tariff

Readers are undoubtedly confused by the reference to 1000 percent tariffs on prescription drugs. We don’t call our...

Macron’s True Color Is Blue

After 51 days of political limbo, the proverbial white smoke finally rose from the Élysée Palace. The appointment...

Texas State Police To Massively Expand Surveillance Tech

This article was originally published by the Texas Observer, a nonprofit investigative news outlet and magazine. Sign up for its weekly newsletter, or follow on Facebook and X. Everything is...

NYC Continues To Add to Its Little-Known Mass Grave Site

The New York City Human Resources Administration has increased the number of bodies in each of the city’s mass graves on Hart Island in...

The Fatal Flaw in the Border Patrol’s Rescue Program

This story was produced in partnership with Type Investigations, where Tanvi Misra was an Ida B. Wells fellow. Este artículo también está disponible en español. The two Guatemalan...

How Opioids Corrupted Organized Medicine

Editor’s note: The following story is co-published with Matt Bivens’ Substack newsletter, The 100 Days.Many businesses will gleefully sell you a harmful addiction.The tobacco industry...

Disinformation Dilemma: The U.S. Has Dirty Hands, Too

It’s no secret that the Biden administration has made fighting online disinformation a major priority. On Wednesday, it announced sweeping measures to secure the 2024 election from...

Does Jesus Hate the Johnson Amendment?

A group representing right-wing preachers is trying to bring about a merger of church and state with a new lawsuit. This is incredibly dangerous....