Health & wellbeing

Painful memories of the struggle to breastfeed | Letters

Reading Niamh Campbell’s article on breastfeeding brought back painful memories for me (‘Like a cheese grater raking across my nipple’: why I kept trying to breastfeed for so long,...

Eating too much and working in bed: experts share 10 worst sleep mistakes

Although we spend roughly a third of our lives doing it, sleep can often feel elusive. According to...

All these health scares are making me ill. I need someone to tell me croissants are good for you | Emma Beddington

The recent headline that a “Daily croissant can take a toll on your heart in under a month”...

Tory health reforms left UK open to Covid calamity, says top doctor’s report

Britain was hit far harder by the Covid-19 pandemic than other developed countries because the NHS had been...

It’s all cisterns go for the modern home | Brief letters

As one of three occupants, all well over pensionable age, of a house with four toilets, I can...

How paddleboarding conquered Britain: the delights and dangers of the nation’s fastest-growing sport

Pamela Muirhead had been looking forward to her first paddleboarding session, but the enjoyment lasted all of seven minutes. “Then, pure terror,” she says....

‘It felt shameful’: the profound loneliness of modern motherhood

One of the weirdest experiences for me in early motherhood was a recurrent image or sense, when I was walking down the street, pushing...

‘Women feel like failures if they haven’t had a “normal” birth’: how the NCT has shaped childbirth in the UK

In May, charity representatives, campaigners and MPs gathered in parliament to hear the then Conservative MP Theo Clarke launch the UK’s first national birth...

Mushrooms are magic in the tussle with frizzy hair, says Dyson

Mushrooms are the wellness trend du jour, turning up in coffee, supplements and even beer. Now, we are being told to slather them on...

I love Springsteen and my daughter is a huge Swiftie – and that’s created a bridge between us

It is a cloudy Saturday evening in Edinburgh in early June and I am in a rugby stadium surrounded by young women who are...