Lucy Letby: mother of murdered baby demands apology over hospital ‘failings’

The mother of a baby girl murdered by Lucy Letby has demanded an apology from the hospital for “dozens” of failings that allowed her daughter to be “preyed on”...

Streeting urges doctors to ‘stop sabre-rattling’ and work with him to fix NHS

The health secretary, Wes Streeting, has urged doctors to work with the government on its plans to change...

Painful memories of the struggle to breastfeed | Letters

Reading Niamh Campbell’s article on breastfeeding brought back painful memories for me (‘Like a cheese grater raking across...

Covid inquiry: Johnson and Hancock accused of making ‘false’ NHS claims

Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock have been criticised by bereaved families at the Covid inquiry for trying to...

Tory health reforms left UK open to Covid calamity, says top doctor’s report

Britain was hit far harder by the Covid-19 pandemic than other developed countries because the NHS had been...

Victims of UK’s infected blood scandal to start receiving payouts by end of year

A new authority set up to properly compensate the victims and families of the infected blood scandal is due to start making payments by...