Older people

Winter fuel: 780,000 UK pensioners entitled to payment will lose it

About 780,000 pensioners who need the winter fuel payment will lose out on it when Labour begins means-testing the benefit, according to the government’s own equality analysis.After the government...

We did not do impact assessment of winter fuel payment cut, No 10 admits

Ministers did not carry out a specific impact assessment on the withdrawal of the winter fuel payment from...

MPs back cuts to winter fuel payments in Commons vote

MPs have voted to remove the winter fuel allowance from all but the poorest pensioners, with a significant...

Ministers facing pressure from unions over winter fuel payment cut

The government is facing renewed pressure from unions to change course over its decision to strip the winter...

Reeves can loosen Britain’s purse strings: she just needs to think outside the Treasury box | Philip Inman

Pressure is building on Rachel Reeves to prevent some of the UK’s poorest pensioners being hit by restrictions...

Labour ministers reveal grave concerns about winter fuel payment cut

Cabinet ministers have grave concerns about Rachel Reeves’s plan to axe the winter fuel allowance for all but the poorest pensioners, the Guardian can...

It’s all cisterns go for the modern home | Brief letters

As one of three occupants, all well over pensionable age, of a house with four toilets, I can tell Kevin McCloud that when he...

These were not the choices I wanted to make, but they are the right choices for Britain | Rachel Reeves

During the general election, I made a promise to the British people: to restore economic stability. I did so because I saw the damage...

UK has record 991,000 self-employed workers aged 60 or over

The number of people aged 60 and older who are self-employed has reached a record of almost 1 million, research suggests. This represents an increase...