
Giving Cruise Missiles to Ukraine Won’t Change the Battlefield Equation

Russia and the West are quickly running out of maneuvering room to avoid a head-on military collision. In the wake of reports that the United States and United Kingdom are...

Heller Skelter

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people...

Tracing the Anti-Haitian Hate Targeting Springfield

Out of all the outlandish claims at the presidential debate between former president Donald Trump and Vice President...

America’s Thousand Percent Prescription Drug Tariff

Readers are undoubtedly confused by the reference to 1000 percent tariffs on prescription drugs. We don’t call our...

Neoliberals Are Wrong About Bidenomics

It is by now a familiar story. With the status quo in tatters following the worst financial crisis...

Presidential Debates Love To Avoid the Topic of Taxing the Rich

The first televised U.S. presidential debate came way back in 1960. Few of us who happened to watch that debate remember much about it....

Why Space Is Such a Dangerous Place

The past year has witnessed a growing chorus of alarm in Washington regarding the military utility of space. From the proliferation of space debris to the...

Macron’s True Color Is Blue

After 51 days of political limbo, the proverbial white smoke finally rose from the Élysée Palace. The appointment of right-wing stalwart Michel Barnier as...

About That Trump Assassination Conspiracy Theory

The following story is co-published with Freddie deBoer’s Substack. I find the rise of BlueMAGA very disturbing, and I’m surprised more people don’t. Or perhaps I’m...

Will Harris ‘Go to China’ on Criminal Justice?

It has come to the most dangerous part of the campaign season, when it seems like better things are possible. But if hope can...

Mpox Offers Another Chance to Confront Vaccine Inequity

On Aug. 14, the World Health Organization named mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years. When the first declaration was issued in 2022,...