
‘I don’t do a monthly shop any more’: life with unpredictable working hours

“Obviously I never know what I’m going to be paid each week,” says Jessica Burns, a mother of three young children from Salford.Burns, who is 30, enjoys her job...

Automatically enrol young staff into workplace pension schemes, says IFS

Employees as young as 16 should be automatically enroled into workplace pensions and there is a strong case...

Winter fuel: 780,000 UK pensioners entitled to payment will lose it

About 780,000 pensioners who need the winter fuel payment will lose out on it when Labour begins means-testing...

Streeting urges doctors to ‘stop sabre-rattling’ and work with him to fix NHS

The health secretary, Wes Streeting, has urged doctors to work with the government on its plans to change...

Painful memories of the struggle to breastfeed | Letters

Reading Niamh Campbell’s article on breastfeeding brought back painful memories for me (‘Like a cheese grater raking across...

‘Iron chancellor’ Rachel Reeves faces an early challenge to her authority over winter fuel payments | Andrew Rawnsley

I hope he enjoyed it while it lasted. From being promisingly positive when he moved into Number 10, Sir Keir Starmer’s personal ratings have soured...

‘If journalism is going up in smoke, I might as well get high off the fumes’: confessions of a chatbot helper

For several hours a week, I write for a technology company worth billions of dollars. Alongside me are published novelists, rising academics and several...

Imagine your friend survives a catastrophic accident. What do you do? This is what I learned

What’s the best way to support a friend who has had a life-shattering, traumatic accident? I didn’t have a clue when my friend Martha...

‘Golden gap year’: how to make a midlife break work

Maybe you can put it down as another post-Covid trend, such as working from home, but it’s clear something is going on. People working...

Tory health reforms left UK open to Covid calamity, says top doctor’s report

Britain was hit far harder by the Covid-19 pandemic than other developed countries because the NHS had been “seriously weakened” by disastrous government policies...

There’s no need to cut poorer pensioners’ income. Smarter winter fuel solutions are at hand | Steve Webb

The new government’s honeymoon period with the voters ended at 3.33pm on Monday 29 July. This was when the chancellor stood up to announce...