Tax and spending

Winter fuel: 780,000 UK pensioners entitled to payment will lose it

About 780,000 pensioners who need the winter fuel payment will lose out on it when Labour begins means-testing the benefit, according to the government’s own equality analysis.After the government...

Can UK avoid national debt almost tripling over next 50 years?

A near tripling of the national debt; public spending accounting for well over half the economy’s annual output;...

We did not do impact assessment of winter fuel payment cut, No 10 admits

Ministers did not carry out a specific impact assessment on the withdrawal of the winter fuel payment from...

UK debt projected to almost triple over next 50 years, watchdog warns

The UK’s debt mountain will almost triple to more than 270% of national income over the next 50...

Why did Starmer cut the winter fuel allowance? It’s called Treasury brain – and that spells trouble | Rafael Behr

An unwritten law of Westminster mechanics states that power, in the absence of a countervailing force, gravitates to...

UK government has ‘no choice’ but to cut winter fuel payment, says minister

The UK business secretary, Jonathan Reynolds, has said the government has “no choice” over cutting the winter fuel allowance, and urged Labour MPs to...

UK debt must be steered off unsustainable course, warns Lords committee

The pressing risk of the national debt becoming unsustainable will force Britain into the unenviable choice of paying higher taxes or the state doing...

Labour’s first job is not to spend, but to fix the UK’s financial plumbing | Phillip Inman

Every time an upmarket home is bought in the UK, the new residents seem obliged to rip out the kitchen and install two bathrooms...

Reeves can loosen Britain’s purse strings: she just needs to think outside the Treasury box | Philip Inman

Pressure is building on Rachel Reeves to prevent some of the UK’s poorest pensioners being hit by restrictions on the winter fuel allowance. A...

VAT should be cut on refurbished electricals, says Currys boss

The UK government should slash VAT on refurbished electrical products to keep gadgets out of landfill, according to the boss of Currys. “It has already...

Labour MP pushes for watchdog to assess PFI costs under budgets bill

A senior Labour backbencher is seeking to have liabilities from schools and hospitals built under private finance initiative (PFI) deals scrutinised under a new...