Business NewsCyble’s Manish Chachada Explains Why Independence Matters in Threat...

Cyble’s Manish Chachada Explains Why Independence Matters in Threat Intelligence


Manish Chachada

In a recent interview with The Cyber Express on the show Security Pill, Manish Chachada, Co-Founder and COO of Cyble, provided key insights into the implications of MasterCard’s acquisition of Recorded Future. This marks a significant shift in the cyber threat intelligence market, particularly for financial institutions.

While acknowledging the benefits of such acquisitions, Manish emphasized Cyble’s choice to remain independent for agility and innovation, enabling real-time decision-making and customization for clients. He highlighted how AI has shaped Cyble’s growth, setting them apart from competitors.

Acquisitions, while strategic, often come with challenges, including shifts in priorities and innovation hurdles. Manish urged businesses to stay informed, adapt to changing market dynamics, and evaluate how these moves impact their operations. Cyble’s AI-driven approach to threat intelligence continues to play a crucial role in its differentiation from industry competitors, providing flexible and robust solutions tailored to emerging cybersecurity threats.

This acquisition, like others in 2024, reflects the growing importance of cybersecurity within financial institutions and the broader business landscape. However, Cyble’s commitment to independence ensures it remains agile, helping clients navigate new challenges and changes in the market.

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Samiksha Jain

Samiksha Jain

Samiksha Jain is a seasoned journalist with 9 years of experience, passionately unraveling the intricate world of cybersecurity for The Cyber Express. Her expertise shines through in her compelling articles on data breaches and cyberattacks. When she’s not writing, you can find Samiksha exploring new destinations or enjoying playful moments with her 2-year-old. Balancing the demands of journalism and motherhood, she embodies a dynamic blend of curiosity and care.

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